Ten important points for the competitive "Karuta"

Hitoshi Takano JUN/2015

[ Dai-ni-jo ] Yomite no kokyu to jiko no kokyu no "ma" o taitoku su beshi.

(Article-2)กก กก You should acquire it by experience a synchronization a breath of reader("Yomite") and a breath of yourself.

   "Players must acquire a skill to synchronize own breathing rhythm to the reading rhythm of the reciter."

I try to explain "dai-2-jo".

Yomite : "dokusyu"; reciter
kokyu : a breath
jiko : oneself
taitoku-suru : acquire by experience; understand from experience; learn something through experience; (master)
I wish not only you understand it in brain, but also it is understood for the five senses.
This is "taitoku-suru".
beshi : have to; should

I translated it to "You should acquire it by experience a synchronization a breath of reader("Yomite") and a breath of yourself".

It is difficult to translate "ma".
Do you know "ma"?
"Ma" is used for various meanings in Japanese.
For example,,,,
"ma" in the lines of the play : as "time" or "timing".
"ma" when I take the skill of the martial art : as "distance" with the opponent and "timing".
"ma" when it changes from a certain movement to the next movement in a dance : as "time" or "timing"
Other meanings of "ma" : 1)space; room 2)an interval 3)a rest; a pause 4)luck; chance 5)leisure; time to spare

I think that "ma" of "dai-2-jo" is "timing" or "a pause".

Do you know "4-3-1-5 method" about "yomi"?
The reciter takes four seconds to read "shimonoku".
Then, the reciter takes three seconds for the sound of the lingering sound of "shomonoku".
The reciter takes one second as "ma". (The reciter pause for one second.)
The reciter takes five seconds to read "kaminoku".
This method is called "yon-san-ichi-go houshiki" in Jananese.

"Sennin dokusyu" and "kounin dokusyu" read by this method.
But there is delicate difference in every reciter.
This delicate difference is called "kuse" in Japanese.
"kuse" : 1)habit 2)individuality 3)a special [distinctive] feature; a (distinguishing) characteristic; a peculiarity

Someone use "wasuramoti".
Someone use "ariake".
Those are a system of auto reading by machine.
It is called "kikai yomi" in Japanese.
"Kikai yomi" is very usefull for us.
For example,,,
"Hitori rensyu" : a practice by one person
"Futari rensyu" : a practice by only two players, no "yomite"
"Gu-su rensyuu" : an exercise to perform in even participants

But "kikai yomi" is only a temporary thing.
By the official competition, a human reciter reads by all means.
Perhaps, "4-3-1-5 method" of "kikai yomi" is correct.
When you play "karuta" by using "wasuramoti", you may take "ma" easily.
Because it is "kikai yomi".

"Kikai yomi" has correct "ma".
But human reciters have some delicate difference.
When a human reciter reads, you may not take "ma" easily.
If you are not able to take "ma", you have some trouble to play "karuta".
For example,,,
It becomes slow to start your hand taking card.
It is too early to start your hand taking card.
Your "timing" for attack is not correct.
"Kanji" becomes slow.

Therefore we need to know their "kuse" for taking "ma".
How may you know "kuse" of the reciter ?
You should do breathing same as a reciter.
In "4-3" of "4-3-1-5 method", a reciter breathe out.
You try to breathe out as same.
In "1" of "4-3-1-5 method", a reciter draw a breath in.
You try to draw breath in as same.
You will be able to know "kuse" of the reciter if you repeat this several times.
It is a synchronization of breath.
Perhaps, you can have a synchronization a breath of "yomite" and a breath of yourself.
You can take "ma".

But I want you to warn one point. When we hear the first sound, we stop breath.
However, in the reciter, there are some person who begin to read it without stopping most of the breath after having absorbed breath.
In this case, you should make that you stop your breath only slightly early.
You cannot concentrate on the first sound when you do not do so it.

Do you understand importance of "dai-2-jo" ?
This is a basic skill.


* Ten important points for "Kyogi Karuta"
* Top page of "SFC Karuta Kai"
* Top page of "Keio Karuta Kai"
* How to play the comoetitive "Karuta"
* What's "Ogura-Hyakunin-Issyu"
* "Certification" of "Dan-i" for the competitive "KARUTA"
