You touched the art of the skill, because you took lessons hard and polished the skill of "Karuta". Therefore I (*) certificate that you are "Sho-dan".
[Original sentence in Japanese] : "Karuta gi no syutoku ni nesshin shi, sono waza, dou-ou ni hairu. Yotte, shodan o sazuku."
"Karuta" : the competitive "Karuta"
"Sho-dan" :first grade of "Dan-i". "Dan-i" is a system of evaluation in Japan. "Dan" is an unit of grade.
Sho-dan < 2-dan < 3-dan < 4-dan < ......<10-dan
* I : a president of All-Japan "Karuta" Association
You arrived at the truth of the skill of "Karuta", because you made an effort in your understanding and acquiring the skill of "Karuta". Therefore I certificate that you are "Ni-dan".
[Original sentence in Japanese] : "Karuta gi no syujuku ni benrei shi, sono myotei ni tassu. Yotte, nidan o sazuku."
"Ni-dan":second grade of "Dan-i". "Ni-dan" is "2-dan".
You understood and acquired the spirit of the skill for "Karuta", because you did a study of the skill of "Karuta" while encouraging your heart. Therefore I certificate that you are "San-dan".
[Original sentence in Japanese] : "Karuta gi no kenkyu ni reisei shi, sono shinzui o etoku seri. Yotte, sandan o sazuku."
"San-dan":third grade of "Dan-i". "San-dan" is "3-dan".
You knew everything about the spirit of the skill for "Karuta", and the achievement that deepened what you performed more became clear still more than before so far. Therefore I certificate that you are "Yo-dan".
[Original sentence in Japanese] : "Karuta gi no shinzui ni tuugyo shite, kensan no kou, iyoiyo ichijirushi. Yotte, yodan o sazuku."
"Yo-dan":forth grade of "Dan-i". "Yo-dan" is "4-dan". As for "Yo-dan", "Yon-dan" is the same.
In many games of "Karuta", you acquired a skill that is both accurate and mysterious. As a result, your skill of "Karuta" became almost perfect. Therefore I certificate that you are "Go-dan".
[Original sentence in Japanese] : "Karuta gi no seimyo o kiwamete, hotondo kanpeki no iki ni tassu. Yotte, godan o sazuku."
"Go-dan":fifth grade of "Dan-i". "Go-dan" is "5-dan".
You reached to the greatest place on "Karuta-Do". As a result, you clarified the secret of artistic quality for playing "Karuta". Therefore I certificate that you are "Roku-dan".
[Original sentence in Japanese] : "Kika karuta-do o kiwamete, geijutsu no hiou o senmei su. Yotte, rokudan o sazuku."
"Karuta-Do" : a spirit(or "spiritual method") for playing "Karuta" . "Do" is similar to "Do" of "Judo" and "Do" of "Ken-Do".
"Roku-dan":sixth grade of "Dan-i". "Roku-dan" is "6-dan".
You mastered "Karuta-Do", and there is no place to have. In addition the achiievement that you made for guilds of "Karuta" stands out. Therefore I certificate that you are "Shichi-dan".
[Original sentence in Japanese] : "Kika karuta-do o Kiwamete, youn nashi. Kuwauru ni kunkou kencho nari. Yotte, shichidan o sazuku."
"Shichi-dan":seventh grade of "Dan-i". "Shichi-dan" is "7-dan". As for "Shichi-dan", "Nana-dan" is the same.
You mastered "Karuta-Do". As a result, you realized profound reason and clarified the depth which we could not know easily. Your achievement is bright in the society of "Karuta". Therefore I certificate that you are "Hachi-dan".
[Original sentence in Japanese] : "Kika karuta-do o kiwamete, gen o satori, yu-u o hiraki, kunkou shikai ni kagayaku. Yotte, hachidan o sazuku."
"Hachi-dan":eighth grade of "Dan-i". "Hachi-dan" is "8-dan".
You mastered "Karuta-Do". As a result, you became nearly the level of gods and "Sen-nin" at last, in "Karuta". Therefore I certificate that you are "Ku-dan".
[Original sentence in Japanese] : "Kika karuta-do o kiwamete, tsui ni shin-sen no iki ni semaru. Yotte, kudan o inkyo suru."
"Ku-dan":ninth grade of "Dan-i". "Ku-dan" is "9-dan".
"Sen-nin":an immortal wizard (in Taoism), living in the mountains and capable of performing miracles.
You are a pioneer of "Karuta-Do", and you are a model person of our own time.
Your achievement does not have an equal in the present age. Therefore I certificate that we recommended you to "Ju-dan" and you accepted.
[Original sentence in Japanese] : "Kika karuta do o hiraite, issei no gihyo tari. Katsu kunkou gendai ni zessu. Yotte, judan no kyokui ni osu."
"Ju-dan":tenth grade of "Dan-i". "Ju-dan" is "10-dan". "Ju-dan" is top-grade in "Dan-i".
Hitoshi Takano