Ten important points for the competitive "Karuta"

Hitoshi Takano JUN/2015

[ Dai-go-jo ] Tei-ichi wa houben to kokorouru beshi."

(Article-5)¡¡  ¡¡ You should understand your fixed position("Tei-ichi") with a means("Houben").
  [ Note ]
     "Houben" : upa~ya(Sanskrit), Buddhism term in Japanese.

   "Each player should establish and maintain his or her own style of "Teiichi"; however it can also be flexible depending on the opponent and the course of the game."

"Tei-ichi" : fixed position of cards for oneself; placement of cards that player decided by oneself;
     It is placement to be always used in "jijin". ("Ichi" means "place" or "position".)
"houben" : upa~ya(Sanskrit), Buddhism term in Japanese
     expediency; an expedient
     means; an instrument; a tool

I try to explain "dai-5-jo".

I write "The concrete reflection of the intention of player in the karuta is the placement." in "dai-4-jo".
From such a point of view, "tei-ichi" is important.

An important point of "tei-ichi" is "it is easy to take cards for oneself".---"Point A"
Another important point of "tei-ichi" is "it is hard to take cards for an opponent".---"Point B"

I think that players are apt to make much of "Point A" than "Point B".
However, I want you to notice.
In many cases, what it is easy to take cards for oneself is the same for an opponent.
I think that players should adopt "Point B" in "tei-ichi" more.

There is the exception such as "ooyamafuda". But, in many cases, it is the same for you to be hard to take cards for your opponent.
But you always use your "tei-ichi". You are used to it.
Therefore, it is not hard to take cards for you while you use your "tei-ichi". This is advantage of "tei-ichi".

Let's devise more "Point B" to decide "tei-ichi".
Although you must do not forget to consider balance of "Point A" and "Point B".

I said "tei-ichi is houben".
This meaning is that players do not have to adhere to "tei-ichi".
You may think about the placement for adaptation to circumstances.

=long¡¾range view=
  This is a thing about whole period when you are an active play player.
 "Tei-ichi" should change with the growth as your player.
 Try it in various ways.
 Devise it in various ways.
 And, please evolve your "tei-ichi".

=Short¡¾range view=
 This is a thing in one game.
 When a game goes, cards come out of first "tei-ichi".
 Then the balance of right and left become bad, and cards disappear in "gedan".
 Let's move cards without being particular about "tei-ichi" at such time.
 In "nagare" of the game, a thing corresponding to the adaptation to circumstances is important.
 When you move cards, it is the following points to be careful.
 The matters that require attention are the balance of right and left and the ratios of offense and defense.
 And you should think that it is hard to take cards for an opponent.
 Finally let's think easiness of taking cards for yourself.

* Ten important points for "Kyogi Karuta"
* Top page of "SFC Karuta Kai"
* Top page of "Keio Karuta Kai"
* How to play the comoetitive "Karuta"
* What's "Ogura-Hyakunin-Issyu"
* "Certification" of "Dan-i" for the competitive "KARUTA"
