Introduction of "Keio Karuta Kai"
[ The present situation ]
We are a club for playing the competitive "Karuta". The competitive "Karuta" is called "Kyogi Karuta" in Japanese.
"Kyogi karuta" is a game which uses "Hyakunin Issyu".
An explanation of "Hyakunin Issyu"--->Click Here !
We exercise "kyogi Karuta", and participate the competition of this game. Our activity is authorized by Keio University. Our club belongs to "All-Japan Karuta Association" .
An explanation of "how to play Kyogi Karuta"--->Click Here !
We have about 50 student-members and about 200 members which graduated, now.(Apr/2015)
[ History ]
"Keio Karuta Kai" was established at the mid-1950s in Keio University. An each generation advisor is a professor of a faculty of letters of the Keio University .
For example, Yasaburo Ikeda, Tohru Nishimura, Kenkichiro Iwamatsu, Akio Kawamura and Takahiro Sasaki.
Students are independent and perform the administration of this club. We select a student person in charge as each generation and run the activity led by a person in charge.
We call a person in charge "Gakusei Sekininsya" or "Kaicho". "Gakusei Sekininsya" means "student representative".
Therefore we have each generation student representatives.
We produced two "Karuta Meijin" and one "Karuta Queen".
Meijin : Takashi Tanemura(1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1995), Yoshihiro Mochizuki(1996,1997,1998)
Queen : Makiko Yoshida(1976)
As for us, 18 times won the championship in "Syokuiki-Gakusei" A-Class League. (73summer,74summer,75summer,76spring&summer,77spring,82summer,83summer,84spring.86spring&summer,87spring&summer,88spring&summer,89spring,90spring&summer)
As for us, 4 times won the championship in club teams of all Japan.(1990,1991,1994,1995)
As for us, 2 time won the championship in universities of all Japan.(2019,2022)
[ Reference ] Index for Data of Competitive "Karuta"
[ Web sites of associated groups ]
== Keio Gijuku Syokuin Karuta Kai ==
== SFC Karuta Kai ==
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* A list of link-sites for English *
Up-Date : 2023-Jan-1