A study of "Left-handed player"

JUN / 2015

I got e-mail.
It was written in it as follows.

In the case, my opponent is left handed, I will attack the "tekijin hidari gedan".
But it will also be easy for my opponent to attack the "jijin migi gedan".

"migi" : right
"hidari" : left
"tekijin" : territory of opponent
"jijin" : territory of oneself
"gedan" : row which is the nearest to a player

Let's have a study of "lefty", together.

I hope you to try a simulation of operation for lefty.

"tekijin hidari gedan"--->"thg"
"tekijin migi gedan"--->"tmg"
"jijin hidarigedan"--->"jhg"
"jijin migi gedan"--->"jmg"

** Case-A **
1) At first, you will attack "thg".
2) Your hand is over "thg", you change a direction.
3) You get a card of "jmg" using "modorite".
** Case-B **
1) At first, you will attack "thg".
2) Your hand is over "thg", you change a direction.
3) You get a card of "tmg" using "haraite".
** Case-C **
1) At first, you will attack "thg".
2) Your hand is over "thg", you change a direction.
3) You get a card of "jhg" using "modorite".

I think that case-A is easy for you.
Maybe, case-B is difficult.
Because it is strange movement for you and lefty blocks there well.
I think that case-C is more difficult than case-B for you.
Please compare you with the usual method(at first, you will attack "tmg").

The lefty always makes this move.
But the right-handed player is not used to this movement.
If you will attack "thg", you have to prepare about this move.

In the past, we have about 60 person of meijin, queen, meijin-challenger, queen-callenger.
But lefty is only one.
The left-handed person has around 10% as generalization.
I think that the movement of lefty has disadvantage.
But if the right-handed player is used this movement, lefty has advantage.
I think that top players have a skill to point out a left-handed weak point.

I think that one of the points does not fight in the proud situation of lefty.

Please think, and discover another point.

Auther : Hitoshi Takano


* Top page of "SFC Karuta Kai"
* Top page of "Keio Karuta Kai"
* How to play the competitive "Karuta"
* What's "Ogura-Hyakunin-Issyu"
* Ten important points for "Kyogi Karuta"
* "Certification" of "Dan-i" for the competitive "KARUTA"