" M. F. W. E. "

A List of sites for English

Ogura-Hyakunin-Issyu "Competitive Karuta"


at Mita Fujin-Shitsu

A Room for women at Mita Campus of Keio University

(The second floor of the building of University Co-op)


We have an exercise of "Kyogi Karuta" on Wednesday.
In the national holiday, we don't have an exercise. In this case, we will do a re-schedule.
We may have a temporary exercise on another weekday(for example, on Tuesday or Thursday or Friday).

A schedule of "C.P.S."


[ Time Table ]

For example,
*** We may change this schedule by gathering of members. ***

Japanese  ( Time Table )


If you want to join our "WEEKDAY EXERCISE" (on Wednesday), you have to send E-Mail.

To : fjs-karuta

Registration  :  one hour before the Exercise

  [ Notice ]
   If you participate without your sending an entry email beforehand, you may have the next risk.
   1) When you come to the exercise place, the exercise is called off, and there is nobody.
     (We will place it in the BBS for members on the occasion of cancellation.)
   2) Depending on arrival time, you will become a reciter("yomite") or a rester("yasumi").
   We may have an exercise on weekdays except Wednesday.
     Because "W" of "MFWE" means "W" of "Weekday", not "Wednesday".

** Information **

[ Mita Campus Map ]

*  Public Transit

*  Mita Campus Map

  "Fujin-Shitsu" in Building of "No.13". The building of "No.6" is "University Co-op".
  You must use outside stairs of south side of Building.
  The extension number is "22481".

  The capacity of "Fujinshitsu" is up to four sets (eight players).

Please look for this signboard.
"Washitsu" in the "Fujinshitsu".

[ Urgent cancellation information ] --> BBS for our members
   Example : Abysmal weather, A severe earthquake, No participant, etc.

This exercise is promoted by "Keio Syokuin Karuta Kai".  (Commonly known as "C.P.S.")

*     Go to INDEX of C.P.S. ("Carta Players Society")
*     Go to MFSE (Mita Fujin-shitsu Saturday Exercise)
*     Go to KSSE (Keio SFC Sunday Exercise)
