Ogura-Hyakunin-Issyu "Competitive Karuta" Society
** JAPANESE **  

SFC  Karuta  Kai

( A branch of  "Keio Karuta Kai" )

A Sample Picture
A Practice Room
Gymnasium : 1F Judo-Jo

End Game 9min.    All Game ---> Click!
No.14 of Campus Map

* Wtat's "Ogura-Hyakunin-Isssyu" ?  <--Click !
* How to play "Competitive Karuta".  <--Click !
* The essence of the competitive "Karuta"  <--Click !
* "Certification" of "Dan-i" for the competitive "KARUTA"  <--Click !
* "Competitive Karuta" is called "Kyogi Karuta" in Japanese.
* "SFC" is "Syonan Fijisawa Campus". (Keio University at Syonan Fujisawa)
* We have a few members (students and staff at SFC). Join us, please!
* The "Karuta" is effective for the Japanese learning of the foreign student.
* We are recruiting new members.
* We welcome the foreign student who is weak in Japanese.

"What's New" of Keio Karuta Kai

If you are interested in our activity, please contact us in "email".
To : sfc-karuta

*****  A Purpose of "SFC Karuta Kai"  *****

To enjoy playing the competitive "Karuta" at Syonan Fujisawa Campus.

Download Directions
SFC Campus Map
Web-site of our "Karuta Kai" in English
Web-site of "Keio Gijuku Syokuin Karuta Kai" in English
Web-site of "SFC Karuta Kai" in Japanese

A list of link-sites for English
